Representative Projects
A division of the Department of Defense: Operational effectiveness was significantly improved through evaluation, design and improvement of core business processes.  Performance scorecards were designed and implemented for all operating units.

A regional food retailer:  Leadership team and operational effectiveness were improved through transformation to a team-based, continuous improvement, quantitative root-cause, problem-solving culture.  Teams were formally trained and coached in the use of both quantitative and qualitative tools for process improvement.

A regional hospital and medical center:  Patient care and employee job satisfaction were improved in both clinical, emergency and administrative departments, through process and service model improvement, customer service training, and leadership team strategy alignment, earning this organization the highest accreditation rating.

A major pharmaceutical company:  Technical issues in manufacturing related to such issues as dissolution and physical properties were solved by a team of process engineers, pharmaceutical scientists and statisticians using multi-variate analysis and collaborative problem solving. (we have successfully used this methodology in numerous pharmaceutical environments).

A branch of the largest independent school system in the world:  The Philadelphia branch needed a new strategic plan to serve as an action alignment instrument for teachers, administrators and parents.  A collaborative large and small group process was used to ensure full participation and consensus with plan goals.  The new plan was completed within 5 months and is being implemented.

A regional hospital and medical center:  Patient care and employee job satisfaction were improved within the OB/GYN unit through in-depth assessment of the LDRP cycle of service, patient opinion surveys (over 70% response rate) and Nursing and M.D. staff workshops. 

A major distributor of medical supplies:  On-time delivery and customer service levels were dramatically improved through facilitation of internal focus groups, and design, administration and statistical analysis of in-depth external customer surveys.

Youth-focused non-profit:  Fund raising and grant acceptance rate was significantly improved through design and facilitation of a strategic planning process.

A medical device critical component manufacturer: Established the feasibility of increasing production capacity through reduction in transfer lot size, use of demand "pull" kanban systems, and transition to a cellular orientation for manufacturing and staffing.
The following brief project descriptions demonstrate the breadth of services and expertise that Ray Schneider Consulting
offers clients.  
process - quality - performance

Contact Ray at [email protected] or call 610-291-4278